Sunday, October 12th

Teaching Staff:
Preschool: 9:30 Karen Hoffman 11:15 Tomra Bazer
Lower Elementary: 9:30 Mickey Schroeder 11:15 Chad Humphrey
Upper Elementary: 11:15 Steve Hand

Monthly Worship Song: He Reigns

This week In Preschool & Lower Elementary...
CNX Kids learned: ”God’s got it!”

On Sunday, preschoolers and lower elementary students learned that God is with us wherever we go, and we know He has the power to answer prayer.  In our Bible story, God showed everyone that He is the only one with the power to answer prayer. Elijah prayed to the one true God and God was like, Stand back. I got this! Fire came down and then the rain ... it was awesome! We dont ever have to wonder if God has the power to answer our prayers because He does. Hes totally got it!

To remember their Bible story, CNX Kids created rain sticks decorated with red, orange, and yellow streamers to represent Gods fire! It was an awesome day in CNX Kids!!

This week in upper elementary
CNX Kids learned: ”We should be as faithful to others as God is to us”
Some days it seems like life is an endless series of sticky situations. Its hard to face the problems and challenges that dont always have easy answers. This week CNX Kids learned about a young lady named Ruth who had to make a big choice about whether to stick with someone she loved.  Because Ruth was
as faithful to her friend as God was to her, she got to have a special place in Gods big story!

CNX Kids learned that we should be like Ruth and stick with our friends like God sticks with us. That means loving and encouraging them no matter what. It means sticking like glue!

Hey Parents,
Want to explore this week’s lesson with your child at home?
Here’s how!!

Preschool & Lower elementary School:
Review the weekly Bible story by reading it together
God has the power to answer prayer.
Elijah and the Fire • 1 Kings 18:1-39

Help your children live out this weeks Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
“God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9, NLT

Try out the following activity:
Go outside and see just how much power you and your child
have! How fast can you run? How many push-ups can you do? How high can you jump? How long can you hang from the bar on the swing set? How high can you swing? Do you have enough power to climb a tree? Whew! The options for testing your power are endless, but there is an end to your power. Not with Gods power, though! Tell your child that Gods power is bigger than anything we could ever imagine and it NEVER runs out! Gods got it!

Set aside time throughout the week to pray together:
“Dear God, You are so powerful and amazing. We know that You have the power to answer our prayers, just like You did for Elijah. Thank You for loving us and hearing us and always being with us wherever we go. We love You! In Jesus name, amen.

upper elementary School:
Encourage your child to explain to you how they have learned ways that: We should be as faithful to others as God is to us

Review the weekly Bible story by reading it together:
Ruth Sticks with Naomi (Ruth 1-4)

Help your children live out this weeks Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
A friend loves at all times Proverbs 17:17a

Try out the following activity:
Have all family members pick their favorite sticky foods. Then design a menu that features all of them in one day. As you eat these sticky meals, talk about how God wants us to stick with our family and our friends the ways He sticks to us. Talk about what it means to do this and brainstorm some ways to do this as you eat. Encourage your kids to remember to be a sticky friend every time they eat their favorite sticky foods.

Have a Dinnertime Discussion!
At dinnertime this week, ask one of these questions to get your family talking.
  • Whats the best part about being a part of this family?
  • Whats the best part about being in Gods family?
  • Who are some friends who have stuck to you?
  • Who are some friends that you need to stick to? How can you do this?

Use these questions to help kids think about how we can follow Gods example and stick to our friends and family like He sticks to us.

Set aside time throughout the week to pray together:
Dear God, thank You for always being a faithful friend to us. Thank You for sticking with us no matter what. Please help us to do the same thing for our friends even when its hard.



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