Sunday, March 23rd

Teaching Staff:
Preschool: 9:30 Karen Hoffman, 11:15 Jen Turner
Lower Elementary: 9:30 Chelsea Banducci, 11:15 Lisa Shelden + Wade Shelden

Upper Elementary: 11:15 Steve Hand

In Preschool
CNX Kids learned: "God Freed Me From All My Fears!"

On our last week in the FearBusters Lab, Beaker and Zee learn that none of the monsters are scared! There is not a single red monster meter! They called our FearBuster Field Agent Lou True to see what was going on since this has never happened in all of FearBuster history! Agent Lou True found MiMi and MoMo Monster giggling instead of being scared! Even though they did not have a fear to bust, Agent True still shared a story from Gods Word.:

Then, the Veggie Tales taught us that Little Guys Can do Big Things Too! 

Click here to download this song and listen at home! 

Wow! God freed David from all of his fears! Just like God freed David, MiMi Monster and MoMo Monster from their fears, God can free YOU from your fears too! Do you remember the song that our bible friend David sang? Lets say it together! 

“God is my shepherd. He gives me everything I need. He gives me food, water, and shows me the right way to go. Even when Im scared, I know God is with me and is taking care of me!

God loves us, and He is with us every day to free us from ALL of our fears. FEEEAAARS BUSTED!

In Elementary School
CNX Kids learned: "Take Action and Don't Let Fear Control You!"

Moe shows up to bust fears in the FearBuster Lab and finds a note from Nic! Nic was going to be late, so it looks like Moe is going to have to start busting fears alone! Moe finds a letter in the FearMail mailbox from Kiyasha. Kiyasha was left alone in the grocery store one day and was SUPER scared! Moe begins to realize that being alone can be scary, so Moe gets the FearBuster Field Team on the phone right away!   

That was so cool how Keeley, Shawn and The Professor busted the fear of being lost and alone! Keeley simply took action and did not let her fear control her! We can all do the same thing whenever we are scared, lost or alone! In Psalm 23, David says “God is my shepherd. He gives me everything I need. He gives me food and water. He shows me the right way to go. Even when Im scared, I know He is with me and is taking care of me. God fills my life with good things and I know Ill live forever with Him.

God is our shepherd too! He will always give all of us everything we need, even the courage to take action and not let our fear control us! Fear Busted!

What an AWESOME time we had with our FearBusters team! Its going to be sad to see Moe and Nic go, but we KNOW that we will all remember what we learned and be able to BUST our fears every day!

Dont forget these awesome steps to being a STELLAR FearBuster!

Hey Parents,
Want to explore this weeks lesson with your child at home?
Heres how!!

Encourage your child to act this out for you
God (point up)
Freed Me (wave arms and make happy face) From All My Fears! (make scared face)

Review the weekly Bible story by reading it together
Life of David- Psalm 23, 1 Samuel 17

Help your children live out this weeks Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
“I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

Elementary School:
Encourage your child to explain to you how they have learned ways to:
Take Action and Dont Let Fear Control You!

Review the weekly Bible story by reading it together
The Lord is My Shepherd + David the Hero
Psalm 23
+ 1 Samuel 17

Help your children live out this weeks Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
“God is my shepherd. He gives me everything I need. He gives me good food and water. He shows me the right way to go. Even when Im scared, I know He is with me and is taking care of me. God fills my life with good things, and I know Ill live forever with Him.

Psalm 23

Sunday, March 16th

Teaching Staff: 3/16
Preschool: 9:30 Karen Hoffman, 11:15 Kenneth & Hannah Mineart
Lower Elementary: 9:30 Pam Myers, 11:15 Ant Abraham, Michelle Funke
Upper Elementary: 11:15 Steve Hand

In Preschool
CNX Kids learned: “When Im Scared, God Helps Me!

This week in the FearBusters Lab, Beaker and Zee see that Zingo Monsters monster meter is really red! When a monsters monster meter is red, that means they are really scared! Beaker and Zee decided to send our FearBuster Field Agent Lou True out to see what was making Zingo Monster so scared!  

Looks like Field Agent Lou True helped Zingo Monster bust his fear of asking for help by telling him a Bible story about Gideon! Gideon and Zingo both learned that “When Im scared, God Can Help Me!

Agent True and Zingo Monster helped Zee to not be scared of the LOUD monster trucks, because when Im scared, God helps mel!
Be sure to check back next week to see if any monster meters are red!

In Elementary School
CNX Kids learned: we can “Bust Fear by Taking Action!

This week in the FearBusting Lab, we had some power issues that left Nic in the dark while trying to start the day.  Despite a ninja chop to the head, delivered by Moe who thought that Nic was a robber, they were able to find their headlamps and start busting fears!  Since the power was out so was their phone lines which was going to make busting fears a little difficult.  

Nic received an unknown cell phone call from our friend Big Foot! He was struggling with another fear, the fear of the dark!  Moe and Nic jumped right into busting that fear by helping Bigfoot realize that shadows in the dark are not monsters by playing “guess that shadow puppet.

Moe and Nic realized that if they took action and followed 4 simple steps then they can bust any fear! First, we should pray, then remember that God is with us, trust in Gods power, and finally take action.

We were also able to help Sasquatch, I mean Bigfoot, bust his fear of loud noises by following the same 4 steps with the key step of taking action!

When we are afraid, we should remember to pray first. We can talk to God and ask Him to help us. Then, we can remember the truth from Gods Word. Next, we can trust that God is with us and then take action!

Make sure to check back next week to see what fear needs busting!

Hey Parents,
Want to explore this weeks lesson with your child at home?
Heres how!!

Encourage your child to act this out for you
When Im Scared, (make scared face) God (point up)
Helps Me! (extend hands, palms up)

Review the weekly Bible story by reading it together
God Helps Gideon Judges 6:1-7:21

Help your children live out this weeks Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
“I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

Elementary School:
Encourage your child to explain to you how they have learned ways to:
Bust Fear by Taking Action!

Review the weekly Bible story by reading it together
God Helps Gideon Judges 6:1-7:21

Help your children live out this weeks Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
“His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day.
Psalm 91:4b-5

Sunday, March 9th

Hello CNX families!!
I'm so excited to embark upon this amazing road with you and I figured, what better way to kick it off than to reach out and share some of the super fun things happening in our Kids Ministry? :)

Our current series is entitled FEARBUSTERS and it was designed by NewSpring Church down in South Carolina... Today marked the beginning of Week 6.  Here is the description from NewSpring.  Check it out to discover some of the awesome things your children are learning about God this week!

Teaching Staff: 
Preschool: 9:30 Nicole Humphrey, 11:15 Tomra Bazer

Lower Elementary: 9:30 Chelsea Banducci, 11:15 Jennifer McKinnon

Upper Elementary: 11:15 Steve Hand

In Preschool
CNX Kids learned: "When I am scared, Jesus can heal"

This week in the FearBusters Lab, Beaker and Zee see that Mimi Monsters monster meter is really red! When a monsters monster meter is red, that means they are really scared! Beaker and Zee decided to send our FearBuster Field Agent Lou True out to see what was making Mimi Monster so scared!  

Looks like Field Agent Lou True helped Mimi Monster bust her fear that her boo boo wont heal by telling him a Bible story about a sick boy who Jesus made well! The parents of the boy and Mimi both learned that “When Im scared, Jesus Can Heal!

Agent True and Mimi Monster helped Zee to not be scared of going to the dentist, because Jesus can heal!
Be sure to check back next week to see if any monster meters are red!

In Elementary School
CNX Kids learned: "Trust is being confident in God's power"

This week in the FearBusting Lab, Nic and Moe got an email from Sonya who was afraid of ALL germs! Nic and Moe decided to bust that fear by hooking up a device that can test the validity of the 5 second rule! They tested the weight difference between the food before and after it was dropped on the floor and saw no change after the 5 second rule! After they busted that fear they received a call from the field team!

Emilios fear of death was a big fear for them to try and bust! Revelation 1:21-22 is a great reminder that when we believe in Jesus, we dont need to have fear of death because in Heaven there is no sickness, pain, death OR fear, because God is more powerful than all of those things.