Sunday, July 20th

Teaching Staff:
Preschool: 9:30 Karen Hoffman 11:15 Tomra Bazer
Lower Elementary: 9:30 Pam Myers 11:15 Nicole Humphrey
Upper Elementary: 11:15 Chad Humphrey

Monthly Worship Song: Sing, Sing, Sing!

This week In Preschool & Lower Elementary...
CNX Kids learned: The Bible is better than gold!”
On Sunday, our Pirate Ship took us to a new adventure of learning that the Bible is better than gold.

This week, preschoolers and lower elementary students read John 13:34-35 and learned that just as Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, one of the ways that we can love one another is through service to each other. 

To remember their lesson, preschoolers and lower elementary students made coupon books for kind acts of service to give to their loved ones!

This week in upper elementary
CNX Kids learned: Everyone gets to play on God’s team.
Today 4th and 5th graders discovered the different ministry roles God has created in the church and explore the differences between them.  To remember their lesson, we played games to help them identify key characteristics of the five-fold ministries, match them up with biblical examples, and explore similarities in their own lives.

As a special treat, Mr. Chad brought in Five-fold Ministry Chocolate Chip cookies! Only one batch contained all of the ingredientsthey represented Jesus! All of the others were missing one key item.  As kids saw, each ingredient plays a special role in the cookiejust like each of us play a special role in Gods kingdom!

Hey Parents,
Want to explore this weeks lesson with your child at home?
Heres how!!

Preschool + Lower Elementary:
Review the weekly Bible story by reading it together
The Bible tells me to look for ways to help others. Love one another. • John 13:34-35

Help your children live out this weeks Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
“Your teachings are worth more to me than thousands of pieces of gold and silver. Psalm 119:72, NCV

Try out the following activity:
Give your child his own basket of cleaning supplies and make him your helper for the day. Tell him what a great job he is doing while he helps you. When youre done, enjoy a snack together and talk about different ways he can help others. God wants us to always be on the look out for ways we can be a helper!

Set aside time throughout the week to pray together:
God, thank You for making each one of us special and for inviting us to play a special part on your team. Help us to be there for one another and to grow to be like Jesus.

Upper Elementary School:
Encourage your child to explain to you how they have learned ways that: Everyone gets to play on Gods team.

Review the weekly Bible story by reading it together:
Five-fold ministry (Ephesians 4)

Help your children live out this weeks Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
For we are Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
 Ephesians 2:10

Try out the following activity:
As a family, work as a team to build a house or tower out of a deck of cards. Talk about your experience afterward. Who was the designer? Who had the steadiest hand for building? Who was the cheerleader?
Remind your kids how God gives each of us an opportunity to play
a special part on His team. Share which of the five ministries listed in Ephesians 4 that you are strong in Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, or Teacher. Talk about other friends or family who are gifted in the other four ministries.
Encourage your kids to have fun trying out different ways of serving to discover how God has wired them to play their part on His team.

Have a Dinnertime Discussion!
At dinnertime this week, ask some of the following questions to get your family talking.
  • Whats something that youre really good at?
  • Whats the best or worst team you have ever been a part of?
  • Which superpower have you used the most this week listening to God, caring for people, starting new things with God, telling others about Jesus, or helping people understand the truth?
  • How can you try out one of the other superpowers next week? people see that He loves them and wants them to be a part of His family.

Set aside time throughout the week to pray together:
God, thank You for reaching out to us with your love. Thank You for inviting us to join your family, your team. Please show us people on the outside who need us to show them Your love this week.


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