Sunday, June 8th

Teaching Staff:
Preschool: 9:30 Nicole Humphrey 11:15 Randi Baumgartner + Lauren Kirkman
Lower Elementary: 9:30 Ant Abraham 11:15 Jen McKinnon
Upper Elementary: 11:15 Chad Humphrey + Steve Hand

Monthly Worship Song: This is Amazing Grace

This week In Preschool & Lower Elementary...
CNX Kids learned: God will take care of me!”
This Sunday, CNX kids had fun talking about the plan that God has for each of them.  God had a plan for Abraham in our Bible story today. His plan gave Abraham a new home, a new baby boy, and a large family! But first, Abraham had to trust God and follow His plan. It wasnt always easy. Moving your whole family somewhere youve never been before can be hard! Abraham did it, though, and Gods plan was awesome! God has a special plan for you, too! Its one of the ways God takes care of you!

To remember this lesson, preschoolers and lower elementary students acted out skits about helping one another and made self-portraits complete with googly eyes and clothes to take home with them!

This week in upper elementary
CNX Kids learned: God wants me to build my life on what He says.
Today in CNX Kids, we read the story of The Wise and Foolish Builders in Matthew 7: 24-27. When Jesus told this story, he
wasnt really talking about
building houses. He was talking about
building lives. Jesus says that anyone who hears what I say and actually does something about it is like a wise man who built his house on rock. When life gets stormy, when trouble comes your way, you will stay strong if you build your life on what Jesus says. But the foolish man is a like someone who hears what Jesus says but doesnt do anything about it. When life gets stormy, when trouble comes his way, the foolish persons life falls apart.

Just like the houses in the story, all of us will face stormy times in our lives. They can feel like theyre going to tear us apart. But if we build our life like this by listening to Jesus and doing what He says, well be like the wise man who built his house on sturdy rocks. When a big storm came, his house stayed strong. And when troubles come for you, Jesus will help you to be strong too!

Hey Parents,
Want to explore this weeks lesson with your child at home?
Heres how!!

Review the weekly Bible story by reading it together
GenesiS 12:1-7
God shows Abraham His plan, which includes a new home and a huge family!

Help your children live out this weeks Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
“My God will meet all your needs. Philippians 4:19, NIrV

Try out the following activity:
Cuddle up with your child and pray. “Dear God, I am so glad it
was Your plan to give [name of child] to me. I love him so very much. Help me to have wisdom and love so I will know how to take care of him. Help us both to trust Your plan and follow You wherever You lead. We love You, God. In Jesus name, amen.

Set aside time throughout the week to pray together:
“Dear God, we just want to say thank You for having a special plan for each of us! Thank You for loving us and taking care of us. In Jesus name, amen.

Upper Elementary School:
Encourage your child to explain to you how they have learned ways that: God wants me to build my life on what He says.

Review the weekly Bible story by reading it together:
The Wise and Foolish Builders (Matthew 7:24-27)

Help your children live out this weeks Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
Matthew 7:24

Try out the following activity:
Have some fun building something as a family this week. Bust out the Legos or Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs or Knex. If youre really ambitious, grab some sheets and blankets and build a fort in the living room or use scrap lumber to construct one outside. As youre working, talk about the story
of the wise and foolish builders from Matthew 7. Remind kids that every time they hear God speaking and actually do what He says, its like adding another brick to building a wise life. Remind them if they ignore what Gods saying, and dont act on it, life is much harder. Share some examples of times when you were like the wise builder and put Gods word into action and share about other times when you suffered because you ignored it.

Have a Dinnertime Discussion!
At dinner time this week, ask these questions to get your family talking.

  •         If you could build an entire house out of your favorite food, what food would you use?
  •        What would it be like to live there? How would it hold up in a storm?
  •         Did you have anything that felt like a storm in your day?
  •        Is there anything God told you to do today that youre glad you did or wished youd done?

Use these questions to help kids discover things God may be prompting them to do and help them put a plan in place to do it. Remind kids that every time they act on what God tells them to do, theyre building storm- proof lives, built to handle anything that the world throws their way.

Set aside time throughout the week to pray together:
God, thank you for teaching us the right way to live. Please help us to remember what you have taught us this week. Help us to live wise lives by following You.


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