Sunday, August 3rd

Teaching Staff:
Preschool: 9:30 Nicole Humphrey 11:15 Tomra Bazer
Lower Elementary: 9:30 Mickey Schroeder 11:15 Jen McKinnon
Upper Elementary: 11:15 Chad Humphrey

Monthly Worship Song: ”Our God”

This week In Preschool & Lower Elementary...
CNX Kids learned: The Bible is better than gold!”
On Sunday, preschoolers and lower elementary students studied Acts 2:45 and learned that the Bible teaches us that we should share our stuff.  During class, everything we did was about sharing.  To begin, we worked on an icebreaker in which kids shared building materials to create the strongest, tallest structure that they could!

To remember this lesson, preschoolers and lower elementary students created crafts to share with loved ones.  Children were encouraged to use their creativity to make anything they wanted with the materials that were available.  The only rulesharing was a must!

Finally, kids wrote in their prayer journals, talking to God about ways they could sharetheir possessions, their gifts, and themselves!

This week in upper elementary
CNX Kids learned: God is our dad in Heaven, and we can talk to Him about anything.
“Give us this day our daily bread

This Sunday, kids in upper elementary continued to learn about the Lords Prayer.  We focused on the difference between our “wants versus our “needs.  Jesus teaches us to pray for what we need and not just for what we want.  The kids identified that our provisions of food, water, clothing, shelter are far different than our wants of candy, Iphones, and even a 50 bird aviary! J  In addition to learning about our daily physical needs, the upper elementary kids talked about what our most important daily provision is; Jesus.  They learned that starting each day with looking at Jesus as our daily provision gives a good start to the day.

Hey Parents,
Want to explore this weeks lesson with your child at home?
Heres how!!

Preschool + Lower Elementary:
Review the weekly Bible story by reading it together
The Bible tells me to share my stuff.
I can share my stuff. • Acts 2:45

Help your children live out this weeks Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
“Your teachings are worth more to me than thousands of pieces of gold and silver. Psalm 119:72, NCV

Try out the following activity:
Ask your child what song he wants to listen to when you get in the car. Right before you start the song, ask your child: “Who is always listening to us. God is always listening! * Talk about the people you see as you run errands. Grocery store clerk, librarian, doctor, etc. Jesus wants to be their friend forever too! * Each time you buckle your childs seatbelt, encourage him to say, “God loves me! The Bible truly is better than gold and it teaches us so many wonderful things!

Set aside time throughout the week to pray together:
God, thank You for bringing your kingdom to earth. Help us to want what you want. Use us to bring that good stuff into other peoples lives too. We love you. Amen.

Upper Elementary School:
Encourage your child to explain to you how they have learned ways that: God wants us to ask Him for our daily needs.

Review the weekly Bible story by reading it together:
The Lords Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)

Help your children live out this weeks Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
Give us today our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

Try out the following activity:
Play a game called “Survival Pack. Get a pad of paper and some pens or crayons and a backpack. Tell the kids youre going to pretend youre packing a survival pack of supplies that you would need to survive for one day on a desert island. Everyone should take turns either writing or drawing things they would take with them, and then put those papers in the backpack. Talk to kids afterward about how essential or non-essential the items were.  Now empty the backpack and make another survival pack of things your family needs to survive at work, home, or school each day. These may be physical needs such as food and clothing, emotional needs like encouragement and friendship, or spiritual needs like courage or peace. Take time and ask God to provide this daily bread for your family.

Have a Dinnertime Discussion!
At dinnertime this week, ask one of these questions to get your family talking.
  • What was something God provided today that you needed?
  • Did God surprise you by giving something fun today that was more of a want than a need?
  • What is something that you need God to provide for you for tomorrow?
Use these questions to help kids understand that God will meet their needs one day at a time. Take time this week to continue memorizing and praying the Lords Prayer from Matthew 6 as a family.

Set aside time throughout the week to pray together:

God, thank You for loving us so much that you want us to ask for the things that we need.  Please help us this week to see the difference between wants and needs and help us to be thankful for your provision.  In Jesus name, Amen


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