March...Welcome Spring!!

Monthly Worship Songs: He Knows My Name

This month In Preschool...
CNX Kids will learn: I can love like Jesus!

This month, preschoolers are learning that they can love like Jesus. Wow! What a hard concept for a little person! Or is it? What are we teaching preschoolers when we teach them to share? to take turns? to take care of those who are hurt? to help? to show affection? Arent we teaching them every day to love like Jesus? Were teaching them, yes. But are we modeling it? Children learn more by observation than we ever realize (or want to admit). Do they see us loving like Jesus as they watch us? Do they see us sharing? taking turns? caring for those around us? helping? loving? Do they see us loving like Jesus? Take advantage of a few opportunities this month to love like Jesus with your preschooler. Deliver a meal to a sick friend. Send a card to a grandparent. Let the person with fewer groceries go in front of you in line. Whatever you do, know that you are a making a lasting impression on your preschooler, and he will learn to love like Jesus, too.

This month in elementary
CNX Kids learned: Jesus gives us everything we need and wants us to meet the needs of others
As followers of Christ, “I can trust God no matter what is a phrase we all say. And for the most part we sincerely believe it and live it out. We trust God to provide for our basic needs, for our safety, even for our health and well-being. But there are certain moments when trusting God seems just a bit more difficultoften those are the times when were forced to wait.

Throughout our life, we will face times when were not where we once were, but were not yet at our final destination. Instead, were somewhere in between. Put simply: were waiting.

And its in the waiting that our faith is tested.

Which is why allowing God to develop patience in us is important. Not only is patience a Fruit of the Spirit, it is a foundational way that we can reflect Gods character. From the very beginning God has shown patience with people. When Adam and Eve broke Gods rule, He could have killed them on the spot. Rather, He showed them grace. Yes, there were consequences, but God had a plan for their rescue. All throughout the Bible we see God showing patience in order that more people could come to know and believe in Him.

Gods patience is continually focused on relationships with people. Even after we sinned, He still pursued us. He sent Jesus, His own Son to make a way for us to be with Him. He waited time after time for people to repent and make things right.

Something He still does today.

When we demonstrate patience, we are less likely to hurt our relationships with others. We are more likely to trust that God has something better for us in the future. And when we trust God with our future, even when were “in-between on lifes journey and asking Him “Are we there yet? we can have patience knowing that

His plan and His timing are always better than our own.
The Bible is full of stories and principles that help us realized the importance of discovering how to be patient.

Well start the month with one of the best examples of what happens when youre not patient; you lose something of value.
In Genesis 25:24-34, we discover the story of Esau sacrificing his birthright for a bowl of stew. Because Esau was impatient, he lost something he could never get back.

Bottom Line: When you think you cant wait, think twice. Dont let your lack of patience cause you to make a decision youll regret. Think twice about what really matters and wait patiently.

For week 2, we head over to Exodus 32:1-35 and find the Israelites at the foot of Mount Sinai. Instead of obeying God and waiting for Moses to come down off the mountain, the entire nation of Israel grew impatient. They built a golden calf and began to worship it instead of worshiping God. Their lack of patience had some severe consequences.

Bottom Line: When you think you cant wait, think about whats true. Its easier to wait when you remember all the times God has helped you before. You can trust Him, knowing that Hell help you wait.

For week 3, well discover an important patience principle King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 14:29. “Anyone who is patient has great understanding. But anyone who gets angry quickly shows how foolish he is. How we respond to waiting shows others our character. Getting frustrated and angry doesnt make the wait any less, it just makes us look foolish.

Bottom Line: When you think you cant wait, dont lose your cool. Sometimes when youre waiting, its too easy to get frustrated and become angry with others. Dont make yourself look foolish when you have to wait.

For week four, well look at 1 Samuel 1:62:1 and the story of Hannah. She had waited years for a child. Rather than become frustrated and angry toward God, she prays and tells Him all about it. When God answers her prayer, she gives her son back to God. He honored her waiting and blessed her with even more children.

Bottom Line: When you think you cant wait, talk to God about it. Its important for us all to remember that talking to God about how we feel about waiting will help us stay patience through whatever circumstance we might face. He may not change our circumstance, but Hell give us the strength to keep waiting well.

Well close out the month with Mark 11:1-11; 14:43 15:47. The world had been waiting for a Messiah, a rescuer. And when Jesus had finally shown up on the scene, His disciples were ready. They figured this was it. Jesus would be the King and their waiting would be over. When Jesus was found guilty and crucified, they must have felt so defeated. They didnt know at the time that God had something different in mind, something better for the whole world.

Bottom Line: Remember that Gods plan is bigger than yours. When youre having a hard time waiting, remember that God has a plan for you life bigger and better than you could ever imagine.

While were discovering what God has to tell us about patience, well be memorizing Psalm 27:14: “Wait for the Lord. Be strong and dont lose hope. Wait for the Lord.

Thankfully, we dont have to wait in our own power. Our hope is in God. He will give us the strength to remember that its worth the wait.

Its important to remember that learning patience doesnt happen in a moment; it takes time. As we talk to kids about how they can reflect God through how they show patience, its important to remember that this is something theyll be developing for the rest of their lives, and something we, as adults, can probably use some work on ourselves.

By Dan Scott ©2015 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. *Used by permission.

Hey Parents,
Want to explore this week’s lesson with your child at home?
Here’s how!!

Play Time
Play a game of “Hide and Seek with your child. When youre done, grab a snack and take time to tell your child that no matter where we go or what we do, God will always look for us. God loves us that much!

Car Time
As you drive, point out the many people you see along the road or in the stores you visit. When you see a person, say, “Theres my neighbor! Talk about how every person we see is our neighbor. That means if we love like Jesus, we will love every person we see. Why? Because Jesus loves everyone!

Bath Time
Add four action figures or plastic doll figures to bath time. Pretend they are the man who was hurt, the two men who passed by and didnt help, and the Good Samaritan who stopped to help him. Act out the story, along the side of the tub, as your child takes his bath. Talk about how the Good Samaritan loved his neighbor like Jesus because he stopped to help.

Cuddle Time
Cuddle up with your child and pray. “Dear God, thank You for giving us Jesus to show us how to love our friends. Help us to love like Jesus and be willing to do anything to show our friends we love them, even if its something we dont like doing things like helping them clean up or giving them our last cookie. Those kinds of things are not fun, but they sure do make people feel really loved. Thank You for loving us, God. We love You. In Jesus name, amen.

Elementary School:
WEEK 1: Ask a kid: What are some things that you have to wait for?

Ask a parent: Why is patience important for us?

WEEK 2: Ask a kid: What can you do while you wait for a dream to come true?

Ask a parent: Do you have any dreams you gave up on because it seemed to be taking too long?

WEEK 3: Ask a kid: Is there a time when your impatience got you in trouble?

Ask a parent: How can we stay patient when we dont know our patience will be rewarded?

WEEK 4: Ask a kid: Imagine youre putting together a “patience kit for those times you have to wait. What would you put
in it?

Ask a parent: Why do you think commitment and patience often go together?

WEEK 5: Ask a kid: What are some ways that your patience might be rewarded?

Ask a parent: Share about a time when you or someone you know thought you were waiting for one thing, but God revealed an even bigger plan at the end.

February is here!

2/1 Teaching Staff:
Preschool: 9:30 Karen Hoffman 11:15 Tomra Bazer
Lower Elementary: 9:30 Janie Schwab 11:15 Jen McKinnon
Upper Elementary: 11:15 Nicole Humphrey

2/8  Teaching Staff:
Preschool: 9:30 Tomra Bazer 11:15 Jen Turner
Lower Elementary: 9:30 Ant Abraham 11:15 Jen McKinnon
Upper Elementary: 11:15 Dan Carrel

2/15  Teaching Staff:
Preschool: 9:30 Karen Hoffman 11:15 India Davis
Lower Elementary: 9:30 Mickey Schroeder 11:15 Nicole HUmphrey
Upper Elementary: 11:15 Chad Humphrey

2/22  Teaching Staff:
Preschool: 9:30 Karen Rahe 11:15 Michelle Gilchrist
Lower Elementary: 9:30 Pam Myers 11:15 Lisa + Wade Shelden
Upper Elementary: 11:15 Steve Hand

Monthly Worship Song: Amazing Love 

In preschool & lower elementary
CNX Kids are learning that: Jesus Loves me!”
Jesus loves me. Thats the Bottom Line for this month. Its what we want our kids to know. We throw that phrase around a lot, dont we? Songs have been written about it. Cards have been
created that say it. However, have you ever looked into a mirror and said those words? Try it. I dare you. Look at your reflection and sincerely say, “Jesus loves ME.

Jesus loves YOU. He loves you with a passion that you can never comprehend. He loves you so much that He died for youfor you. He loves you. He loves you when youre at your best. He loves you when youre at your worst. He just loves you.

Jesus love is similar to the love you have for your child. But its moreoh, so much more. Its wider and longer and higher and deeper than anything you can fathom. Jesus loves you. Savor that thought during this month of love. Every time you see a heart, say to yourself, “Jesus loves me, and then remind your child of the very same thing.

in upper elementary
CNX Kids are Learning: Friends of Jesus spend time with God, Friends of Jesus help each other follow Him, Friends of Jesus tell others about Jesus, and I can be a part of God’s big story!

In this months series: Copy Cats, kids in Upper Elementary will learn how the early church imitated Jesus, the Lion of Judah. Unlike the gospel stories, the disciples in the book of Acts no longer had Jesus in the flesh to watch and copy. They had to learn to listen to God and rely on the Holy Spirit to help them to imitate the life of Jesus, just like 21st century kids have to do.

In Copy Cats, kids see how the early church put the principles of Up, In, and Out into practice. Kids will discover how these three sets of relationships will help them become more the Lion every single day.

Hey Parents,
Want to explore this week’s lesson with your child at home?
Here’s how!!

Preschool & Lower elementary School:
Review the weekly Bible stories by reading them together
Week 1 | Luke 15:3-7
Jesus tells the story about the lost sheep so we will know that God loves us and will always look for us.
Week 2 | Luke 15:11-24
Jesus tells the story about the son who leaves his father and comes back so we will know that God loves us no matter what.
Week 3 | Matthew 8:5-13
Jesus helps a Centurion by healing his sick friend.
Week 4 | Luke 10:38-42
Mary and Martha learn how important it is to spend time with Jesus when He comes to visit them.

Help your children live out this months Bible verse by finding examples of it in their own lives and yours.
“How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Ephesians 3:18, NIV

Try out these fun activities!
  • Play a game of “Hide and Seek with your child. When youre done, grab a snack and take time to tell your child that no matter where we go or what we do, God will always look for us. God loves us that much
  • As you drive, play a game where every time you see an animal you say, “Jesus loves me! Bird in the air? Jesus loves me! Horse in a pasture? Jesus loves me! Dog? Cat? Squirrel? Jesus loves me! Remind your child that God loves us and watches over us just like a shepherd does his sheep, and thats why He gave us Jesus to be our friend forever.
  • March to bath time this week like the Centurion in the Bible story might have done. Hut, two, three, four! Hut, two, three, four. Get in the water, soldier! Wash that hair! Soap up that body! You get the idea. Make bath time soldier time. Talk about how even tough soldiers need Jesus to help them and so do we!

Set aside time throughout the week to pray together:
“Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to be our friend forever. I hope (childs name) takes time to listen and talk to Jesus every day. Nothing is more important than spending time with Him. You are so good, God. We love You. In Jesus name, amen.

upper elementary School:
Encourage your child to explain to you how they have learned ways that: Friends of Jesus spend time with God, Friends of Jesus help each other follow Him, Friends of Jesus tell others about Jesus, and I can be a part of Gods big story!

Review the weekly Bible stories by reading them together:
Week 1. Pentecost (Acts 1-2)
Week 2: The Fellowship of the Believers (Acts 2:42-46, 4:32-37)
Week 3: Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8:26-40)  
Week 4: Bible Overview

Help your children live out these Bible verses by finding examples of them in their own lives and yours.
Week 1: Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. 1 Chronicles 16:11

Week 2:  All the believers were together and had everything in common. Acts 2:44

Week 3: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15b

Week 4: I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. Psalm 9:1

Try out the following activities!
Week 1: Play a family game of Copy Cats. Set a one-minute timer and pick someone to be the leader. Have everyone spend one minute trying to copy the leader. Whatever the leader does, everyone else has to do too. Take turns until everyone in the family gets to be the leader. Afterward, talk about who was the hardest or easiest to copy and why. Use this as an excuse to talk about imitating the life of Jesus and how spending time with Him is the first step in learning to imitate Him.

Week 2: Put together a care a package this week for another believer (or an entire family) who needs some encouragement. Make cards, write encouraging notes, and include some Bible verses that will brighten their day. Add plenty of fun stuff like homemade cookies or maybe a favorite CD, DVD, or gift card. Pray over the care package together before delivering it as a family.

Week 3: Take a family prayer walk through your neighborhood. As you walk, pray and ask God to lead you to a Person of Peace today. Ask God to show you someone who has questions about Jesus or someone to whom you can express Gods love in a tangible way. Ask God to send you to strangers but also to the people in your life you already know who He has prepared to hear more about His Son. Ask God what He wants you to tell them. Use this walk as a chance to talk to your kids about listening to God and letting Him lead the way in sharing your faith.

Week 4: Tell a story as a family. Start with “Once upon a time... and have someone finish this sentence and start another one. Keep going until everyone has had a chance to add to the story several times. Afterward talk about your story. Was it silly or serious? Exciting or dull? Was it fun to get to add to the story yourself? Talk about how we all get to add our own chapters to Gods big story as we live out the adventure of following Him.

Have a Dinnertime Discussion!
At dinnertime each week, ask one of these questions to get your family talking.

Week 1:
  • If you could be any person in the world for a day, who would you be? What do you think it would be like to live that persons life? 

  • If Jesus were you for a day, what do you think He would do? 

  • Whats one way you want to copy Jesus this week? 

  • Use these questions to help kids think about living out the life of Jesus in their everyday world. Encourage them this week to copy Jesus by spending time with God.

Week 2:
  • Who is the most helpful person you know? 

  • Who did you help this week? 

  • What are some ways Christians can help each other follow Jesus? 

  • Who needs our help this week and what do they need most - prayer, encouragement, help doing the right thing, meeting a physical need, or something else? 

Week 3:
  • Whats the best news youve heard all week? 

  • How did it make you feel when you heard it? 

  • Who do we know who needs to hear the good news about Gods love? 

  • What are some practical ways we can show and share Jesus with them? 

Week 4:
  • Whats the coolest story youve read or watched this week in movies, TV, books, etc.? 

  • If you could be a character in any story, who would you be and why? Whats your favorite part of Gods story? 

  • Who is one person with whom we might be able to share Gods story this week? 

Set aside time throughout the week to pray together:
God, thanks for all of the amazing things Youve done. Please help us to always live to tell Your story!!